FINAT is happy to welcome you this year in Athens, Greece

See below for some practical information on the venue.

Divani Caravel Hotel

Address: Vas. Alexandrou 2, 161 21 Athens, Greece
Tel. +30 210 720 7000

Hotel room prices per night

  • Single: € 240
  • Double: € 260 

Rates include American Buffet breakfast, VAT and Municipality tax, excluding accommodation/climate tax of € 10,- per room per night

Hotel room booking

Individual participants can make their reservations via a hotel link until 30 April 2024. Please use code FINAT2024 in case the link does not automatically show you the FINAT rates. The individual cancellation policy is also mentioned online on the hotel's booking page. 

Hotel room payment

You can settle your bill directly with the hotel upon arrival or departure. You will be required to guarantee your reservation with a credit card.

Hotel room cancellation policy (individual)

  • No free cancellation is allowed for this rate, special conditions apply.
  • Upon confirmation of the reservation, a one (1)-night NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT PAYMENT is required for the guarantee of your reservation.
  • For any cancellations from booking till 30/04/2024, an extra one (1)-night NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT PAYMENT will be charged. (Total 2 nights)
  • From 01/05/2024 and onwards, in case of non-shows, or in case of earlier departure, guests will be charged according to the initial reservation.

Use Google maps for travel directions.

More information on the hotel services, can be found on their website.

Information about public transport can be found here


FINAT cannot be held legally responsible for any modification to the forum, additional costs, or even cancellation of the forum, if such is the result of an event, occurrence, effect or any cause outside the control of FINAT (force majeure), including but not limited to fire, casualty, accident, riot or war, act of God, civil disturbance, act of public enemy, strike, lock-out, labour conditions or other labour controversies, failure or inability to obtain any necessary permit or licence, failure or delay or reduction in transportation facilities or water, electricity or other public utilities, judicial order, law or enactment, order or act of any governmental instrument or military authority. FINAT accepts no responsibility for possible injuries sustained during any part of the event.